ROMANTRADE LLC ROMANTRADE LLC is located in Tarzana, CA. Our principals store their files on blobn along side your files, thus we have a high level of interest in ensuring that all files on blobn are secure and safe.
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Amazon's S3 (file storage) Amazon S3 provides a highly durable storage infrastructure designed for mission-critical and primary data storage. Objects are redundantly stored on multiple devices across multiple facilities in an Amazon S3 Region. To help ensure durability, Amazon S3 PUT and COPY operations synchronously store your data across multiple facilities before returning SUCCESS.
Once stored, Amazon S3 maintains the durability of your objects by quickly detecting and repairing any lost redundancy. Amazon S3 also regularly verifies the integrity of data stored using checksums. If corruption is detected, it is repaired using redundant data. In addition, Amazon S3 calculates checksums on all network traffic to detect corruption of data packets when storing or retrieving data.
Where did you get the name blobn?
blob - A binary large object, also known as a blob, is a collection of binary data stored as a single entity in a database management system. Blobs are typically images, audio or other multimedia objects, though sometimes binary executable code is stored as a blob. (
N (the Nth degree) - When a polynomial is expressed as a sum or difference of terms (e.g., in standard or canonical form), the exponent of the term with the highest exponent is the degree of the polynomial. The degree of a term is the sum of the powers of each variable in the term. The words degree and order are used interchangeably. (
blob + n = blobn