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file storage/access

metered by use

No Monthly Subscriptions! more


No Monthly Subscriptions!

Your cost is metered by the following:

1. Size of files uploaded
2. Size of files stored and length of time stored
3. Size of files accessed

Okay, but how much will it cost me? more


Okay, but how much will it cost me?

Its free while you are testing the file storage out (first 300 page views, or 90 days).

Then you simply pay $2 to further "dip your toe in the water" and keep your files stored.

After that, if you still want to use it, you will be billed in $2 increments. Your balance will be "charged down" as you use it. Remember, there are no monthly subscriptions, you are only paying for what you use!

How much do you charge per Gig? more


How much do you charge per Gig?

We don't quote exact prices for competitive purposes, but below is an example of pure storage costs of 10 Gigabytes of data over a one year period:

(*above prices as published on respective websites on November 22, 2010. The above prices may include services by each vendor other than just storage of 10 gigs.)

Get started with our two dollar trial! more

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